
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There’s so so much that I am immensely grateful for. Ok so

 rewind; I was kind of down this morning because I have to make a decision and I’m really 

skeptic and afraid of either of the outcomes. So here I am at a crossroads standing still 

worrying, not making a choice. And while on my little morning stroll to class this AM I saw a 

post on Insta from my main girl Julianne Hough…..

 This entire time I had been viewing my 

situation as a burden, something that I was afraid would swallow me whole. In no place in my 

mind had I seen this as a blessing to be thankful for. Immediately I was overcome with a sense 

of gratitude and happiness for what I had and what I had spread out before me. And so, with a 

sense of motivation to start my day and a spring in my step I started listing off the things I am 

thankful for. I’m thankful for the sunshine on my face and the fact that it isn’t snowing anymore. 

I’m thankful I was able to get up early enough to finish the research paper I had put off… I’m 

thankful for the sleepy puppy sweater that I’m currently wearing and extremely obsessed with. 

I’m so happy and grateful that I can finally see grass and pavement, and that I’m not slipping on 

sheet ice anymore. I’m thankful I was able to wear my worn combat boots even with the broken 

zipper. I’m grateful that I could stop and catch up with a friend who I hadn’t seen in awhile. I’m 

thankful for the cool breeze that ruffled my collar and kept me refreshed. I’m extremely grateful 

for the random phone call from a stranger who made my day without knowing it. I’m thankful 

for all the beautiful souls that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting up here in the Burg. I’m grateful 

that this little patch of Idaho soil is finally starting to feel a little like home. I’m eternally grateful 

for all of the happy memories I’ve made that I can look fondly upon. How grateful am I to have 

met someone that I could connect with even for such a short time. I don’t know if this 

sentimentality is coming out of me because of the warm weather or the yummy Greek yogurt I 

had for breakfast, but either way it’s been a really SUPERB Friday.


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