
Showing posts from August, 2014

indulging in the finer things.

as of late I've been feeding into my artsy and creative side with scrapbooking, photography, hand-lettering and a bit of painting. there are very few things that I think I'm decent at, so when I find something that I (kinda) excel at, I'm obsessed. With my major change from communications to graphic design; my schedule is now full of art classes that I'm so excited to take. Unfortunately a majority of my fellow classmates will be art majors, so my sub-par talent is going to fall by the wayside. until then I shall indulge in my (slight) skill for watercolor and reap praises from my mother.   also thinking of making this my new blog logo, any thoughts? xoxo hk.

plaid is life.

i've come to the realization that my fashion sense definitely leans towards 90's grunge. with emphasis on all things plaid. this was a super laid back and casual outfit that gave me the comfort to run errands  but still kept me warm in the rainy weather. also I have to say that black will never lose it's spot on my favorite color palette.  plaid: target crop top: rue 21  jacket: target shorts: american eagle bag: steve madden sunnies: nordstrom

my too high expectations.

When I thought of forever I pictured bliss. Sure I know bliss is more of a feeling and not so much a scene but I just imagined bliss. Lots of smiling. The kind where your eyes crinkle in the corners and you put all your little white teeth on display. Lots of morning kisses, sunshine through the trees, fingers interlocked so tight that a whisper of air wouldn’t be able to pass between the pressed palms, forehead kisses that make you swoon and your eyes droop in pleasure, dancing in socks in the cold glow of the refrigerator light. I imagined secret looks and shared smiles across the table, slow and sleepy morning murmurs, late night pillow talks and goodnights instead of goodbyes. Borrowed button ups but never borrowed time, because you both knew exactly how each other felt. Unfortunately the bliss I was looking for, wasn't looking for me. There were late nights of aloneness and deprivation. Locked in bathrooms crying in the tub with the lights off wishing I hadn't given ...

neon and plaid.

I am a firm believer in all things plaid. You'd think I'd have wiped Hollister clean considering the number of plaid button ups I have hanging in my closet. NO SHAME. So today I figured (let it be known my knowledge on fashion is limited) that it would be a good idea to mix two popular trends. Neon and plaid. and honestly I think I did a pretty good job.  jeans: aeo plaid: hollister co. shoes: journeys belt: target necklace: charlotte russe ~hk

el oh vee eee.

Love is a tricky thing. It can make you feel like you’re on the top   of the world; soaring far above the clouds free of any concerns and  worries. It feels infinite, as if there is no ending and there was  no beginning, just a limitless existence. Some say that if the  timing isn’t exactly perfect, then that little infinity can’t even  be birthed into existence. But our little sliver of time was  seamlessly aligned with the stars. We grabbed the moment and ran  with it, unafraid of the consequences. Those short months were full  of an immense amount of love, laughter and tears. I felt everything  stronger and more powerfully than I ever had before. He taught me  how to love again even if the affection wasn’t mirrored. So thank  you for being my best heartbreak.

July Favorites: my main homies.

As I was thinking about what genre of favorites I wanted to write about I figured people in my life would be the place to start. (please remember even if you're not listed I still love you lots). July was a semi-rough month for me, so to have these lovely humans by my side through it all made it all the more sweeter. So topping my list is obviously my fantastic (in every possible way) mother. I just love her to pieces! and her quirky text messages and failed use of "text lingo" and poor emoji choice always make me laugh. next is my dear sweet piece of rye bread. Oh gosh how I adore her. I'm so grateful to have a friend like her to always text me and remind me that I'm loved and her countless letters are                                                                   ...