Our society puts
high importance and an even higher price tag on beauty. We are told and
reminded from adolescence that we need to fit a specific mold and form to be
considered “beautiful”; and if we don’t fit society’s norms and expectations
than we are not up to par to the glamorous models plastered on magazines and
newsstands on every corner. But since we have grown up and matured in this
society we already believe that we need to meet their vain requirements to ever
succeed in this competitive, aggressive, and sex oriented world. We should meet
those standards because, let’s be real, pretty people always make it further in
the job field.
Women are hired
based on their looks, how white their teeth are, how smooth and poreless their
face appears, how small and non-existent their waste is, rather than the job
requirements. Sure they may possess some sort of stipulations that helped them
to land that position, but if a heavy-set woman with frizzy hair and bad skin
came in with the same expertise and capabilities, she would be turned down
without hesitation. But this topic also strongly relates to men and young boys
who are, in addition to women, influenced by what society tells them to
believe. Men are constantly over- sexualized in the media and in society, BUT
we are so much more lenient on the issue. It’s considered innocent
“fan-girling” when a girl has a shirtless poster of Chris Hemsworth (Thor)
adhered to their bedroom wall. But for a guy to do the same thing with a poster
of the cover girl of a Sports Illustrated magazine it would be considered
crude, inappropriate, and bordering on pornographic. Why are our standards for
men and women so skewed in the favor of the situation?
So the question is, should we condition
our youth to beautify themselves on the outside to help them thrive in this
modern and proud society? Or should we be the ones to encourage themselves to
beautify themselves on the inside and to cultivate talents and strengths that
will launch them to success and happiness in this simple existence?
We can find beauty and loveliness in
everything around us. A common phrase, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
holds so true to its meaning. We are being oppressed by letting society deem
what is and isn’t beautiful. Beauty can be found in all shapes, sizes, and
ethnicities. Beauty isn’t skin deep; it’s much more important than that. It
isn’t what clothes we wear, or how much makeup we put on in the morning; it is
the beauty in the soul.
In a very sweet
and endearing letter that a father wrote to his daughter he spoke of how when
he was in the makeup aisle at Target all he could see was so-called “perfect”
models staring back at him from the front of glossy magazines. Each cover
clamored “Affordably gorgeous, Infallible, Flawless finish, Brilliant strength,
Liquid power, Go nude, Age defying, Instant age rewind, Choose your dream,
Nearly naked, and Natural beauty.”(Flanagan, 2014) It was in this moment that
he realized how incredibly oppressive and ruthless the beauty industry is.
Through the eyes’ of every parent their child is beautiful. They see their
young as innocent, happy, and carefree. But having to raise a child in a world
that tells them that they don’t measure up to the expectations that the media
has set, and that they aren’t good enough, is a battle that every parent has
had to fight. Who was the person that decided for all of us that our outward
beauty would be the judge of our intellect, personality and talents? Who was
the ignoramus that made the decision to completely mask over our nature and
character with caked on concealer? The dear father then goes on to tell his
young and still amenable daughter that beauty is found on the inside and isn’t
something that can be bought at a makeup counter. “May you discern in your
center who you are, and then may you fearfully but tenaciously live it out in
the world. Choose your dream. But not from a department store shelf. Find the
still-quiet place within you. A real dream has been planted there. Discover
what you want to do in the world. And when you have chosen, may you faithfully
pursue it, with integrity and with hope.” (Flanagan, 2014) He encourages and
pleas with his small child to discover her inner beauty and to take hold of her
dreams. She needn’t listen to the barrage of voices telling her that she won’t
amount to anything. She just needs to follow her heart and dreams outside of
society’s limits and boundaries.
Every lesson on
talents that we are given, whether it be in family home, Sunday School, or Priesthood/Relief
Society, we have been told that we have come with the mission to bless the
lives of others with our blessed talents. In Matthew 25:21 it says, “Well
done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few
things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy
Lord.” We are constantly reminded not to hide our light under a bushel; and we
shouldn’t cloak our talents and capabilities from the world. We are to share
and cultivate our talents with others so that we may all grow and learn from
them. Nowhere in any of those lessons did it say that we have to be
flawless and beautiful while doing it. Our Heavenly Father is the only one that
has the responsibility of judging us. He judges us by how we spent our time
here, whether we served others, learned and grew secularly and spiritually.
He’s not going to determine our salvation on how well we dieted or if we spent
a decent amount of time fixing ourselves up in the morning.
Another article
that brought shame to our public was a story written about how Girl Guide (the
UK equivalent to Girl Scouts) has created a badge of “self worth” for Brownies
and Girl Guides to earn. These badges would be rewarded to them after having
attended two seminars about body image and unhealthy dieting. It’s such a shame
that a badge has been made to accommodate to the increasing beauty standards of
the world. Brownies and Girl Guides was originally founded to teach young girls
important and vital values including honesty, trust, respect, talents and
abilities, environment protection, courage, strength, and sisterhood. These
organizations were created with the belief that all girls are innately
beautiful and possess different and unique talents and abilities that enhance
who they are. These groups were a safe place that girls could retreat to from
the daunting suppositions of the world. A place that encouraged them to be who
they are and told them that beauty wasn’t how much time you spent in front of a
mirror. It is quite a tragedy to see that “beauty” has slinked its way into a
realm of safety and security. Although it is really unfortunate that young
children are bombarded with so much pressure to fit in, it is wise that they
are enlightened on unrealistic and unhealthy body images. (Sanghani, 2014).
This is how the
beauty market targets the youth. They prey on the weakness, insecurities, and
diffidence of people. They’ll find the problem area that we try to hide from
everyone and the world, and then they’ll tear down self-esteems for the sake of
their wallet. Everyone should be educated about keeping good hygiene habits and
routines, but we shouldn’t have to be caked with cosmetics to be considered
But on the
opposite side of the spectrum beauty will generally get us farther and more
success in life. In “Beauty vs. Brains”, an article published by “Economics
Letters”, it states that people who are more esthetically pleasing to the eyes
are the ones who tend to be more successful in life. Throughout the paper it
says that individuals that are better dressed, more confident, and overall more
appealing are the ones that had higher salaries, and better outcomes at finding
occupation than those who weren’t. “The results also
provide suggestive evidence that for very attractive individuals, increases in ability
are associated with increases in wages…” (Fletcher, 2009) This statement only
goes to show that their previous abilities were only strengthened because of
their position. It’s a vicious cycle: the pretty person is hired, the pretty
person gets paid more, and therefore the pretty person is the one is more
motivated to become better skilled at their profession. Daniel
Hamermesh, the author of Beauty Pays: Why Attractive
People Are More Successful, claims the opinion
attractiveness is subjective is a misconception: “Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder,” Hamermesh writes, “but most beholders view beauty similarly.”
(Williams, 2012) Daniel Hamermesh also says that people who are less attractive
than their beautiful counterparts tend to be at a disadvantage. These “plain”
people are almost considered to be disabled, and may in fact even be
susceptible to physical discrimination.
An article
published on psychologytoday.com (Beckwith, 2011) spoke of how our brains
determine attractive faces from unattractive ones. According to their research
we aren’t drawn to a bunch of super attractive features all placed together,
but we are inherently lured in with familiarity and symmetry. A symmetrical
face is easy for our brains to recognize and therefore more likeable. We are
comforted by the symmetry and the ease at which our brain can recall faces. This
is an interesting concept because it’s the idea that our brains telling us what
we like rather than society. Society hasn’t managed to sink their claws into
our thoughts, because it’s a proven fact that our brains our doing the judging
and not the media. Sure a woman could be wearing a beautiful face full of
makeup, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we will be attracted to
her. Asymmetrical faces are more
difficult for our brains to process, so even if she is wearing makeup that has
been artistically applied, if her face isn’t proportional, then we won’t be as
allured by her looks.
then why are we all striving to become successful through intellect and wisdom,
when we obviously should all be rushing to the Botox counter? Why are we
enduring through long lasting school lessons and persisting in an education
that seemingly doesn’t matter when our more attractive peers are the ones that
are higher above us on society’s success ladder? Although we should be
knowledgeable in some areas, what we should undertake is the responsibility to
be beautifying and perfecting our very temporal bodies because that is what
will assist us in becoming prosperous and will keep us a step ahead of the
“Plain Janes”.
I can remember
when I was growing up my mom wouldn’t let me wear makeup until I was twelve
years old, and it couldn’t be too dark or heavy. Needless to say my virginity
to cosmetics greatly hindered my ability to actually apply makeup attractively.
So I was left with clumpy black mascara coating a majority of my eyelashes and
pressed powder, that kind of resembled my skin tone, caked on my face. I didn’t
necessarily want to wear makeup then, what I really wanted was to look mature
and beautiful like the rest of the girls in my grade. I felt like I had been
somehow left behind. Everyone was getting pretty and kissing boys, and I was
still an awkward and uncomfortable 11 year old with transition lenses and bit
of baby fat. I felt that during the summer between elementary and middle school
everyone had gotten the memo to become gorgeous and popular and I obviously hadn’t
been there for that how-to meeting.
Fast forward to
the end of my sophomore year in high school. I had become and avid watcher of
YouTube “beauty gurus”. I watched nearly every single makeup tutorial online
and scoured through Seventeen Magazine trying to perfect a natural eye and
flawless skin. It wasn’t until then that my self-confidence really boosted and
took a turn for the better. I could hide my blemished skin and dark circles
with a bit of concealer and a pump of foundation. I could widen my eyes with
cat eye eyeliner and lengthen and volumize my eyelashes with a few coats of
mascara. I felt like a new person. I could “face” the world without being
self-conscious of what I looked like.
But the makeup
didn’t stop there. My fear of going to school without my “face” on escalated to
where I felt embarrassed by my body. I was never skinny enough, and when eating
right didn’t change the number on the scale I took matters into my own hands. I
survived off of coffee and the ever-consuming idea that I could lose weight. In
my head I told myself I was the one in control. I told myself that I didn’t
have an eating problem, I had just set strict regulations on what I ate, which
was usually a few crackers. I
refused to believe that I had let societies expectations into my head and
dictate how I lived. I insisted that I was doing this for myself, to get
healthy. But in all reality, and looking back on it, I wasn’t in control and I
wasn’t healthy by any means. I was obsessed with the idea that if I could lose a
ton of weight and become beautiful enough, then my life would pan out in front
of me. I held onto the twisted and confused thought that “beauty” would get me
what I so desperately wanted. But with time and a lot of praying I slowly came
to realize that no amount of store bought beauty and no matter how wide my
“thigh-gap”, I wasn’t getting anywhere. My supposed beauty hadn’t made me
successful, it hadn’t made me popular, and it definitely hadn’t gotten me any
closer to where I wanted to be in life. It had shoved me in the opposite
direction, down a path of confusion and fixation. To say the least I felt like
I was bordering on the edge of crazy.
Yes the media and
society constantly bombarded me with unfeasible “beauty goals”, BUT I could
have been stronger and more resolute to my own beliefs and convictions. Their
unrealistic expectations didn’t sneak their way into thoughts; I gladly
welcomed them to accompany me on my downward spiral to darkness.
diet and fashion industries are not totally to blame for society’s obsession
with thinness. We are the ones keeping them in business. We buy into the idea
that we can attain the “ideal” body image. We allow ourselves to believe the
lies being thrown at us constantly. We buy their magazines, diet books and products,
hoping that this time they will work.” (mirror-mirror.org) This quote
absolutely rings true. Blame and fault cannot be completely put on the
shoulders of the beauty industries. We all have free agency to choose how we
will think and act. President David O. McKay said, “Next to the bestowal of
life itself, the right to direct that life is God’s greatest gift to
man…Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession Earth can
give.” Our choices and decisions are so important and should be regarded with
high esteem. They are our own and we WILL be responsible for them on judgment
day. No one but us is accountable for our own actions. In Doctrine and
Covenants 6:33 it says, “Fear not to do good, my sons,
for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye
shall also reap good for your reward.” We alone will bear the consequences of
our decisions.
the freedom of speech, fashion, beauty, and diet magazines are still in print,
but just because they are available does not mean that their advice should be
taken in and lived to a T. Idolizing beauty “perfection” will only lead to a
life of low self-esteem and feelings of never measuring up to the world’s
standards. In this life no one will ever reach perfection. We can certainly try
to reach for it, but it is impossible to withhold ourselves from Satan’s
temptings. Our dear Savior and older brother, Jesus Christ, came to this Earth
perfect and flawless prepared to take on the burden of our sins and
transgressions so that we could return to live with our Father in Heaven.
Through his service and selfless life he gave us something that we could never
purchase from the local beauty counter. He, the Prince of Peace, gave us the
blessed gift to leave this temporal and sinful world to go back to our heavenly
home on high. Our bodies are but “fleshy vessels” in which to transport our
eternal and everlasting spirits. Our spirits and salvation are what we should
be so intently focused on. We need to fix our attention on us, our talents,
service, faith, and relationships with others. Beauty fades, and the memory of
our beauty fades even faster. These bodies won’t last us forever so why should
we be investing so much precious time and money into them? Improving our
talents and expanding our wisdom is what is necessary, because even waterproof
mascara can’t break the bands of death.
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