choosing me.

Unbeknownst to myself, time has once again gotten the best of me. This semester has 2 meager weeks left to live, in which I'm to pack up & move apartments, ace my finals, bid adieu to my sweet Canadian, and GRADUATE (it's only my associates, but still...). what the heck. Somehow I've turned into this partial adult with responsibility who has to start planning for the future. Like can't I just be that 8 year old hailey with the Hit Clips and Britney Spears diary without a clue in the world? That'd be nice and easy.....but not exciting. And we all know how much I live for excitement and adventure. 

I've dubbed my 20th summer as my summer of traveling, experience, intrigue, adventure, thrill seeking journeys, sunshine, and fun and festivities. My hellish "summer of '14" was the worst I've yet to endure and I fully plan on rectifying the season. I'll be in school and working for a good part of the warm months, but I shan't let that impede me from completing my "Seizing the Summer" wish list...

Seizing the Summer:
(in no particular order)
  • Color Festival: whether it's a 5k or music event it WILL be done.
  • Concert: leaning towards MOVE Live on tour, Lana del Rey, or if someone feels inclined to gift me tickets to Coachella...please
  • Learning to longboard: my instructor will need loads of patience
  • Dancing: because what's summer without an impromptu parking lot dance party for one?!
  • Shaved Ice: mandatory
  • California: Disneyland is my first choice, but I'd also gladly take the beach
  • ...

last year I made the mistake of bequeathing my summer to a pointless cause that about wrecked my emotional and physical health, but this summer I choose me. I choose long nights and late mornings, I choose MY plans on my time, my feelings over expectations, memories and hindsight, but most of all I choose happiness and joy. because don't we all deserve to be happy?

xoxo hails.

outfit deets:
varstiy tee: hco
faux fur vest: target
leggings: aeo

p.s. the list is still open for suggestions so please lend a voice and give me ideas of things that need to be added!


  1. why have I never read this? it truly brought a tear to your sweet Canadian's eye.. I love you my dearest hails


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