Friends: Weeds of The Garden
Disclaimer: I don't garden. My gamgam was blessed with a thumb as green as an emerald, but I'm over here trying (and failing) to resuscitate my cacti. But that's not to say I don't love bringing home new plant babies to smother with love. (How often are you actually supposed to water succulents?) However, the focus of this post isn't my lack of gardening abilities, it's my friends.
My friends are weeds. The ones with prickly leaves and thorny buds. The ones that sneak into the flowerbed without warning. They're the ones that never desist.
The flowers are the ones that you need to worry about. They're colorful and inviting, but die at the first sign of hardship. They require constant care and consistent attention if you want them to thrive.
Weeds creep into your life. They grow and perpetuate despite sometimes unideal circumstances. They're with you through it all.
So, thank you to my weeds. Thanks for never giving up on me.
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